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Understanding Pancreatic Cancer

Sep 12, 2019

Understanding Pancreatic Cancer
Understanding pancreatic cancer is important. AZCCC and Virginia G. Piper Cancer Care Network’s Dr. Wish Dhillon invited Dr. Albert Amini from Arizona Premiere Surgery to an upcoming media special.

Understanding Pancreatic Cancer is Key to Success

Understanding pancreatic cancer is important.

AZCCC and Virginia G. Piper Cancer Care Network’s Dr. Wish Dhillon invited Dr. Albert Amini from Arizona Premiere Surgery to an upcoming media special. “What You Should Know About Pancreatic Cancer” will provide helpful information.

Meet the Docs

More info on Dr. Albert Amini is at https://arizonapremiersurgery.com

More info on Dr. Wish Dhillon is at https://arizonaccc.com/your-team/name/wish-dhillon/

Pancreatic cancer is aggressive with few symptoms until the cancer is advanced. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea, and jaundice. As a result, treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Initially, pancreatic cancer tends to be silent and painless as it grows. However, by the time it’s large enough to cause symptoms, pancreatic cancer has generally grown outside the pancreas. Even more, the location of the pancreas makes it difficult to access.

Some symptoms of pancreatic cancer are common.

  • Jaundice. As pancreatic cancer blocks duct that releases bile into the intestine (common bile duct), the ingredients of bile build up in the blood. This turns the skin and the eyes yellow, a condition called jaundice. The same blockage causes dark urine, light colored stools, and itching.
  • Pancreatic cancer can cause a dull ache in the upper abdomen radiating to the back. Furthermore, the pain may come and go.
    Back pain.
  • Some people with pancreatic cancer have a sense of early fullness with meals. Therefore, they experience bloating. Even more, some experience an uncomfortable swelling in the abdomen.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.

In general, symptoms appear earlier from cancers in the head of the pancreas. In contrast, later cancers normally appear in the body and tail. Keep in mind that having any or all of these symptoms doesn’t mean a person has pancreatic cancer. In contrast, here are many other causes for these types of symptoms.

In the Photo

Left to right in the photo is Dave Pratt as Star Worldwide Networks produced the special. https://starworldwidenetworks.com In addition, also pictured and Dr. Dhillon, Furthermore, longtime Valley TV favorite Mark Lewis hosted the special.